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Our History

Our History

brush arbor

brush arbor

The History of Rock Hill Baptist Church II

The Rock Hill Baptist Church II had it's beginning in 1885 as a brush arbor branch lodge - a rough log structure covered with bushes. A year later on March 4, 1886, the church was built on land deeded by Wilson Easley for the sum of five ($5.00) dollars. Elias Rodgers and J.H. Tanner, Trustees of the church, signed the deed with the understanding that they and their successors "use the land for said church and school and nothing else." According to church history, Reverend Jesse Robinson and his twin brother Reverend Jacob Robinson, who served as pastor and assistant pastor, gave the church its name. Church history records the donations sacrifices of these first members. They gave lumber and money to build a one-room wooden frame church. Two windows were placed on each side of the pulpit for ventilation with additional windows located in the main part of the church. These were opened in the summer to allow air to circulate throughout the building. There were farmers who were willing to help and supported the church with their labor and personal gifts. With a few faithful people trusting in GOD, they followed Psalms 121:1-2 and looked to the hills from whence cometh their help.

Following the death of the founding pastors, The Robinson brothers, the church grew in membership, but was faced with numerous change and challenges. However, empowered with the Holy Spirit and unwavering faith, the members persevered, overcame obstacles and were able to continue steadfast in the work of kingdom building. Newly elected pastors preached and taught fervently Biblical concepts; the spirituality of the church increased and edifices were built as needed to accommodate a growing membership.

In December 1966, under the leadership of E. Wesley Watkins, significant ministries wee established: Tithing, Brotherhood, Mother's Board, Young Women Auxiliary, Deaconess board, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Baptist Training Union, Benevolent committee, Pastor's Aid Club, and Junior Deacon Board, Reverend Watkins provided vision, creative ideas, church building

church building
and set an example of faith, courage, and love for our church family. With the formation of these programs, the church membership flourished.

After starting full-time church services in April of 1967 the following accomplishments, ministries, and organizations were implemented under the leadership of dedicated and committed pastors: 1975 - The burning of the church mortgage 1992 - Church softball team, Gospel Choir, and Children's Church, an outreach service at Holmes View Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center.

Family Oriented

Rock Hill Baptist Church II is a family-oriented church that strives to bring new types of service to the church, community, and state. We will welcome all who want to operate in a spiritual fresh, trusting, and loving Church environment. We seek all denominations, races, and genders as we strive to grow in the service to the Almighty. COME to a place where everyone will know your name, COME to a place where your children can grow and be involved in the development of activities in the church. We invite you to COME if you are a Spiritual Explorer, COME if you have love in your heart, COME if you have love to give... This is Rock Hill, and we want you to COME!